Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dinner Party vs. Chair Model

Here we are in the middle of the tournament! These two episodes are right next to each other in the series and represents the exact middle of our tournament! I have my thoughts on where this 8-9 matchup is going, but we will see!

4.9 "Dinner Party"

Cold Open
This cold open was very long...almost 2 minutes. I really think cold opens should be less than 1:15. However, it was very funny and pertained to the episode. The entire office had to stay late to work due to some sort of project corporate wanted completed. Michael then pretended to call and tell corporate that they wouldn't stay and he let everyone go home early. This was all just a trick to get Jim and Pam to come over to his house for dinner. The open should have ended there but continued to show us that Andy and Angela were also invited, but Dwight was not. It just BARELY earned the 2nd star here. + 2 Stars

There was only one plotline here and that was the dinner party Michael hosted. None of the other characters were even in the episode after the cold open. Michael and Jan had Jim, Pam, Angela, Andy and eventually Dwight over for dinner, and chaos broke loose. Michael and Jan got into such a bad argument that the police came and Michael went home with Dwight. Besides Michael getting Jim and Pam to finally hang out with him outside of work, nothing at all happened. I give it an average score.  + 3 Stars

This episode was hilarious. I hate Melora Hardin, but this was her strongest performance. Jim and Pam were the victims of the most awkward night ever. There were some hilarious moments during the tour, dinner, and after. Excellent all around. + 5 Stars

None. I did hear a very subtle reference to Michael being a screen writer, though. (Threat Level Midnight)

Best Quote
"You have no idea the physical toll that three vasectomies has on a person"   -Michael

"That was a $200 plasma screen TV you just killed. Good luck paying me back on your $0 a year salary plus benefits babe"    -Michael

Overall Score
10 Stars

4.10 "Chair Model"

Cold Open
This was a much better cold open than the one from Dinner Party. It was only 40 seconds long, and showed us the problem that Kevin and Andy are going to try to fix in the upcoming episode. It was also very funny.  + 2 Stars

What we had here was Michael trying to find love again after breaking up with Jan. Michael went on a stupid date with a friend of Pam that went no where. This episode wasn't very good. Just to fill in some time the writers had Andy and Kevin go on with some nonsense over parking spots. Very meh.  + 2 Stars

There was some stupid humor that was pretty good. Again, Creed saved the day with an awesome talking head moment. All in all very, very forgettable. + 2 stars

No mistakes found.

Best Quote
"Why'd you have to go off and die..."    Michael

Overall Score
6 Stars


Even though these episodes were so close together, it is so obvious that one is extremely good and one is extremely bad. Easy call here.

DINNER PARTY is the better episode and will move on in the tournament by the score of 10-6

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fun Run vs. Customer Survey

I'm not saying it's impossible, but I have been waiting for "Fun Run" for a while. I have a feeling that it could make it pretty far in this tournament! Customer Survey has a big game this week! Let's see how it breaks down...the premier of season 4 vs. an early episode of season 5...get it on!

4.1 "Fun Run"

Cold Open
A truly amazing cold open. Michael gives a basic summary of season 3 while showing a funny shot of Jan sleeping in his bed. Michael then drives to work and runs over Meredith! This sets up an entire season of laughs! Bravo! + 2 Stars

Fun Run is a two-part episode that was the season 4 premier. Michael hit Meredith with his car and then put on a 5K to raise money for Rabies Awareness. We learned a lot of new information in this episode. First, Michael and Jan are still together. Second, Ryan did end up taking the job at corporate. Third, Jim broke up with Karen after their interviews that concluded season 3. Fourth, Karen, due to the break up, quit her job in Scranton and is no longer in the show. Fifth, Jim and Pam are now dating! Sixth, Dwight killed Angela's cat, which will most likely lead to them breaking up. So much to learn! It was all gold. I loved it all. + 5 Stars

The comedy here was excellent. From Michael running over Meredith, to Dwight killing Angela's cat, to Michael throwing up at the finish line, it was all so good. Every character was in on the action in this episode. This is not an episode to watch if you have never seen The Office, but this is a classic episode that will go down as one of the best ever. + 5 Stars

No mistakes found.

Best Quote
"Michael, 5K means 5 kilometers, not 5,000 miles"   -Pam

Overall Score
12 Stars

5.6 "Customer Survey"

Cold Open
I have mixed feelings about this one. Michael lied to the office and told everyone he was getting married to Holly. Obviously a lie, Michael is caught after he calls his mother in front of everyone. It was pretty awkward, so I guess I'll give it the point!  + 1 Star

I suppose there is nothing wrong with this episode going up against Fun Run. Customer Survey was about Dwight and Jim investigating after finding out that their customer reviews were bad. Also, Andy and Angela decided on Schrute Farms for their wedding venue. It turned out that Kelly forged the reviews, but Michael decided not to fire her. In all, a very average episode.  + 3 Stars

I enjoyed the comedy in this episode. Dwight and Jim were very good, especially on the phones. Michael wasn't in the episode very much, which kind of brought it down. Also, a lot of time for Kelly is never good. The "Buttlicker" joke is gold, which saved the joke score. + 3 Stars

No mistakes found.

Best Quote

Overall Score
7 Stars


I was right about Fun Run, a perfect score! Fun Run is going to be VERY tough to beat....

FUN RUN is the better episode and will move on in the tournament by the score of 12-7

The Deposition vs. Night Out

This is basically where the tournament seedings meet! Only two episodes separate these two season 4 eps. It's nice to get to break down episodes that are so similar. Again, the break down is going to be way shorter because of how many episodes there are. Let's get it on!

4.8 "The Deposition"

Cold Open
Michael was pleased the one time Pam brought him a post-it note describing a call he had received, so he instructed Pam to do so every time he was in a meeting to look important. Michael was in a meeting with Ryan (his boss) and Pam brought him a post-it note with a picture of a smiling banana. Michael told Pam that he would call the client back, but Ryan insisted that Michael took the call. This put Michael in a tough spot, and he pretended to take the call. I was going to give this open zero stars, but the "Hiya Buddy" saved it for me at the end.  + 1 Star

There were two main plotline, Michael being deposed for Jan's lawsuit and Jim training for and playing a ping pong game against Darryl. I suppose you could make an argument that a lawsuit against Dunder Mifflin is big news, but the fact that Dunder Mifflin won kind of put closure on the whole ordeal. Jim and Pam's role in the ping pong game was pretty lame, to be honest. I saw way more of Kelly than I ever want to see in an episode. I would say that an average score would be a fair grade for this story. + 3 Stars

To be fair, there were some pretty solid moments. No Creed didn't help, though. The plotline with Michael was very serious, though he was still able to create humor. Michael's diary being passed around was very funny. Michael also had a funny "That's what she said" moment during his deposition. Kelly was a large source of comedy in this episode, which wasn't good at all. Her character is just terrible! In all, I thought Michael was very good, and everyone else performed below average. No moments from Creed, Kevin, or Andy did not bode well with me. Even Dwight was a little off. Michael saved it from being a disaster. + 2 Stars

At the very beginning of the ping pong plot, Jim and Darryl are seen playing ping pong in the background of a talking head sequence with Pam. It is shown that Darryl is a vastly superior ping pong player, but in the background Jim wins the point that the two are playing. In an attempt to make himself look like a worse ping pong player, John Krasinski "pretends" to have missed the ball completely, even though he had already won the point.

Best Quote
"Mr. Scott, who is this other woman Ryan who you refer to here as 'just as hot as Jan, but in a different way?'"   Dunder Mifflin lawyer

Overall Score
6 Stars

4.11 "Night Out"

Cold Open
Short and sweet, just how I like them. Michael got gum stick in his hair and Pam suggested that Dwight get it out with peanut butter. Dwight then rubs peanut butter all over Michael's head. + 1 Star

Again we have 2 main plotlines, Michael going to New York with Dwight to party with Ryan and Jim convincing the rest of the office to stay late to avoid having to come in on a Saturday. I liked the episode from both a comedic and progressive standpoint. We learned some more information about Ryan, mainly the fact that he has a drug problem (which could lead to trouble down the road). Also, more importantly, we learned that Toby is leaving the office. After announcing that he was leaving for Costa Rica, Toby hopped the fence and ran away. To the viewer, that could have been the last of Toby Flenderson for all we knew. Very significant, especially with a finale coming up. Jim showed us his leadership potential, which was nice. I thought we could have learned more about corporate life, but still I was very pleased. + 4 Stars

This episode was very funny. Creed had one line, but it was great! Michael wasn't exactly at his best, but the staff made up for it after they got locked in. Jim calling Hank was very awkward, and the episode ended at its highest point, which is always awesome! + 4 Stars

No mistakes found. However, at the end of the night in the office, the clock read 9:04...moments later it was 9:00. Very small, and I'm just nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking.

Best Quote
"SON OF A BITCH!"   -Hank

Overall Score
9 Stars


This wasn't all that tough. Toby is leaving the show? Ryan has a drug problem? These are very big cliffhangers that I couldn't wait to see explored. The other episode was centered heavily around Jan and Kelly...potentially the two worst characters on The Office. Easy call.

NIGHT OUT is the better episode and will advance in the tournament by the score of 9-6

Branch Wars vs. Job Fair

4.6 “Branch Wars” vs. 4.13 “Job Fair”

I know it has been a while since I updated the tournament, and things are going to change to make it quicker to review. I am no longer going to spell out the entire synopsis of the episode. I will only be evaluating the story based off of relevance in the overall progression of the series, creativity of the plotlines, etc. The jokes will be very simple; I will mention the best quote, moments that stood out, and then give a score. Mistakes and Cold Open will still be included.

4.6 Branch Wars
Cold Open
I was pleasantly surprised with this Cold Open. We see Karen talking to a Scranton employee about a transfer, then warped to Scranton where Michael was making a Ferris-Bueller-like contraption to make it look like he was asleep at his desk. Stanley then entered and explained that he was going to transfer to Utica because the pay was higher. Funny and important! + 2 Stars

The main plotline deals with Michael, Jim and Dwight heading to Utica to try to prank Karen because they think she is trying to “steal” Stanley from them in retaliation for Jim breaking up with her. After the prank goes horribly wrong, Michael returns and tells Stanley he may leave. Stanley then admits that he was never considering a move, but was just trying to get a raise. The B story shows Oscar, Pam and Toby in their “Finer Things Club”. Andy tries to join and is hilariously rejected, but Jim is offered a seat after he was humiliated in Utica. Jim embarrasses himself and Pam as a result. Creed, Kevin, Angela, Kelly, Ryan, and Meredith were not in this episode. Overall, a very intriguing plot that kind of cheated us at the end. I thought it was a good idea, but ultimately very average.  + 3 Stars

This episode was VERY funny! Michael, Jim and Dwight wearing mustaches was hilarious. Jim being a part of the finer things club was classic, and Andy was short and sweet in this episode. Michael had a confrontation with Toby that was so funny I had to watch it again! Oscar had a funny talking head moment, and even Phyllis got in on the action! Superb, but where was Creed to top it all off!?! + 4 Stars
When Dwight took Jim’s cell phone and threw it out the window, it was obvious that Michael was driving in the left lane. Being that Dwight threw the phone out of the passenger window, and judging by the speed the car was traveling and the angle that Dwight threw the phone, there would be almost no chance that Jim’s phone would still work after it was retrieved.
The way Michael, Dwight and Jim used their radios was completely unrealistic.

Best Quote
“Besides having sex with men, I’d say the ‘Finer Things Club’ is the gayest thing about me” –Oscar

Overall Score
9 Stars

4.13 “Job Fair”
Cold Open
Again, pleasantly surprised! Michael explained that Oscar, Pam, Darryl and he were going to “Valley View High School” to look for summer interns. Michael had some very good one-liners with Pam and Darryl, and that was that. It was short, to the point, and explained what we were about to see in a very funny and simple way. I really, really liked it. + 2 Stars
This episode is presented in the classic “ABC” format. Our A story shows Michael, Pam, Oscar and Darryl head off to a nearby high school to look for a summer intern. Michael’s idea for his booth was incredibly dull, which led to zero interest in the company. Michael, in a last ditch effort to drum up business, publicly dissed all of the other companies, which resulted in nothing except him looking like an ass. The B story showed Jim, Kevin and Andy out playing golf with a potential client. Jim explained that getting this account was a big deal, and he ultimately closed it. Kevin and Andy offered comedic relief. Our C story was Dwight and Angela sitting at the office until 5 pm. Nothing much here, just an excuse to get Dwight in the episode. We discovered that Pam may consider leaving Scranton for New York or Philadelphia, and that Jim has big plans in his near future with Pam. A very nice, though average, plot. + 3 Stars
The episode was very funny. Andy and his blisters, Michael disrupting the job fair, Dwight being Dwight. All of it was very good. The funniest part of the episode, arguably, was Andy wrecking the golf cart into the sand trap. In all, very good, but not better than average. + 3 Stars
Pam explains that she “used to pretend she had PMS” so she wouldn’t have to play volleyball during gym class. In the season finale of season 5, Pam is the BEST volleyball player in the entire company and even admits that she played volleyball in college. This is a mistake in that finale, not this episode.
Just like in “Basketball” from season 1, Oscar has no problem shooting hoops. In a late season 6 episode, Oscar is unable to even get the ball near the goal. That episode highlighted Oscar’s gayness, and having him be bad at sports was obviously something the writers wanted to drive home to underscore the fact that Oscar was gay. They forgot, however, that Oscar is actually good at basketball.

Best Quote
“Yeah, I’m trying to lure these kids into my booth, but kids are very wary of being lured these days. Thank you Dateline.”  -Michael

Overall Score
8 Stars

This was very difficult. I hated this because there are so many episodes that have advanced that are not as good as either of these two. I suppose it doesn’t really matter, but I am considering a “reseeding” for the next round because of the unbalance in the tournament. With that said, a very good episode will be leaving…
“Branch Wars” is the better episode and will be moving on by the score of 9-8

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dwight's Speech vs. Shareholder Meeting

Tonight brings us yet another season 2 vs. season 6 matchup. Season 2 won the first matchup and season 6 won the second. Tonight, interestingly enough, both episodes take place at a large convention!

2.17 "Dwight's Speech"

Cold Open
The Cold Open was very funny, but had nothing to do with the episode. Michael was tossing Dwight a football while talking. Jim was obviously annoyed and asked them to stop. When Michael started passing the ball to everyone around the office, Jim intercepted the ball and began to play keep away from Michael. Creed eventually passed the ball to Ryan, who was tackled by Dwight. Dwight then ran around the room trucking everyone and eventually passed the ball back to Michael. Michael looked upset for about 5 seconds, and then screamed Pam's name and threw the ball to her. Very funny, but didn't mention Dwight's speech at all.  + 1 Star

There are two main plotlines in this episode. First, Dwight has won salesman of the year and must give a speech at a convention, but he is horrified of public speaking. Second, Jim has had enough with Pam's wedding planning and decides to book a vacation during the time of Pam's wedding. The episode is basically two in one, with Michael and Dwight out of the office for the majority of the episode. The plotline with Michael and Dwight serves the comedic purpose, while the plotline with Jim and Pam is more serious and series progressing.

The story opens with Dwight bragging and making fun of Jim. Apparently, Dwight had won "top salesman" in Dunder Mifflin during that year, while Jim finished in 9th. Dwight's gloating quickly came to a hault when Michael informed him that he would have to give a speech at a convention. In order to help Dwight, Michael calls a meeting to give advice on public speaking. Michael's meeting proved to be no help to Dwight, as he considered the staff lower than him, thus they did not intimidate him. Jim offered to help Dwight, which was really just a prank, by offering him a sample speech by the Italian dictator during WWII. Thinking that Jim had majored in Public Speaking, Dwight kept the speech as a reference. At the convention, Dwight's name was called and he was unable to go up to the stage due to stage fright. Michael quickly offered to fill in for him while he gained confidence, and went on to make a fool of himself. When Michael was really starting to look bad, Dwight ran up to the stage in order to save him. Dwight then recited the speech Jim had given him, which shockingly motivated the large crowd. In minutes, Dwight had the crowd under his control, an obvious joke on how persuasive dictators were. Michael became extremely jealous that the crowd had enjoyed Dwight, and he left the room and went to the bar. After his speech, Dwight joined Michael at the bar. Michael, in an attempt to down-play Dwight's success, exaggerated a story about a woman he had met at the bar to make it seem more interesting than Dwight's hit speech. Dwight, a loyal friend, was immediately interested in Michael's story, leaving Michael satisfied. In the end, Michael congratulated himself for his ability to entertain the man that entertained a thousand people, and saw his accomplishment as being greater than Dwight's.

The "B" story evolved around Jim being fed up with Pam's wedding planning. Jim is obviously in love with Pam, and he literally cannot stand to be around her being with another man any longer. Jim decided that he needed to go on vacation, but received mixed reactions from the staff. Ryan admitted that he did not think that Jim was the kind of guy to even leave Pennsylvania, and gave several examples of how predictable Jim really was. Jim booked a trip to Australia and told Pam that he would not be attending her wedding. This made Pam upset, but it seemed as if she wasn't going to stop Jim from going.

I liked this episode a lot. Following the "Dundies" is a tough task, but I feel like Dwight's Speech did well. We found out that Dwight is a better salesman than we thought, and that Jim is actually making a move. This move, even though it seemed like he was giving up, shows how emotionally distraught Jim was that Pam was going through with the wedding. We now have to wait and see if Jim really goes on his trip, and if Pam goes through with her wedding. Nice cliffhanger. + 3 Stars

The jokes were about average in this episode. I was, again, put off by the disclusion of Creed. Dwight's speech was pretty funny, and Michael making an ass of himself was also pretty humorous. I guess the comedic highlight was when Dwight decided to read the speech that Jim had given him. + 3 Stars

No mistakes found.

Best Quote
"What is the difference between a business man and a business woman?...Boobs."  Michael

Overall Score
7 Stars

6.10 "Shareholder Meeting"

Cold Open
There is really just one word to describe this cold open. Recyclops. Yes, Dwight dressed up as "Recyclops" for Earth Day to raise awareness for recycling. The Open showed Dwight dressed up throughout several years (Even showing Ryan and Ronnie as receptionists!!) and gave a short, but hilarious, history of Recyclops. In short, Recyclops's planet was destroyed by "Pollutocorn" and now Recyclops hates earth. Dwight barged into the office and began to destroy everything. Awesome. I am making an exception and awarding the second star even though this had nothing to do with the episode because of the inclusion of Ronnie and the nostalgic look at past seasons. One of the better Cold Opens in the entire series. + 2 Stars

Like in most episodes, there are two main plotlines. The "A" story deals with Michael, Dwight, Andy, and Oscar heading to a Shareholder Meeting in New York. The "B" story centers around Jim dealing with an insubordinate Ryan in order to prove his authority to the rest of the staff.

The episode opens with Michael going over strategies on how to address the crowd when his name is called at the Shareholder Meeting. Michael is expecting a large ovation because he is the only bright spot for the company that will be introduced during the entire meeting. Dunder Mifflin is going bankrupt, and Michael was invited to the meeting as a device to instill false confidence into the minds of the shareholders. After Michael perfected his introduction, he was notified by Erin that a limo had arrived to pick him up. Michael, along with the rest of the staff, was completely blown away by the limo. Because the limo held so many people, Michael invited Oscar, Dwight, and Andy to come along. Andy and Dwight came along for the thrill of the trip, while Oscar was more interested in what would be discussed at the meeting. It was clear that Oscar was not only aware of the company's bankruptcy, but that he possibly had a realistic plan to save the company. Upon arrival, Michael was ushered up to a suite where he met with David Wallace and other executives, including the CEO of Dunder Mifflin. Michael was completely ready for his huge entrance into the meeting, but was disappointed when he was greeted with boos. Michael was equally disappointed in his ovation, which was only a few claps from Dwight and Andy, and he was further infuriated when another introduction received a slightly louder applause. After the CEO announced that there would be a short intermission, Michael took over the microphone and promised that they would return with a "45 day plan" to save the company. Michael then received a standing ovation and performed his "spin" as he had practiced it earlier that morning. Back in the suite, the CEO and other executives scolded Michael for what he had promised. It was at this time that the CEO revealed that there wasn't a plan to save Dunder Mifflin, and that bankruptcy was inevitable. Michael, in a last ditch effort to save his beloved company, texted Oscar to come up to the suite to pitch his idea. Oscar, smartly, declined to comment because he likely knew that another company would soon be taking over, and it would be best for his job security to not reveal what he knew. After this, the executives became furious and booted Michael out of the meeting. The 4-some ran out of the building and caught the limo in time for a ride back to Scranton. The story left us with the "DMI" symbol on wall-street at a record low, a clear indication that big change is ahead.

The "B" story happened back in Scranton at the office. Jim, regardless of the bankruptcy issue, asked Ryan to organize a specific file. Ryan, lazy and figuring that the company was out of business anyways, refused and kept on wasting time playing computer games and talking to Kelly. After more staff members overlooked his authority, Jim publicly exclaimed that he was just as much a boss as Michael. In order to prove his authority, Jim moved all of Ryan's things into a closet and forced him to work there. Ryan tried to dissuade Jim, but to no avail. Jim, now seen as an authority figure, was visibly pleased when he looked into the camera. This served a purpose of not only establishing Jim as an authority, but a win for Jim against Ryan. Ryan had always talked down to and threatened Jim in the past, and it was a nice touch to see Jim finally rise above his old rival. I am sure a lot of 9-5 workers out there can identify with this.

In all, I really liked the story. Obviously, the "A" showed us that Dunder Mifflin is soon to be no more. That is a HUGE realization. Where will everyone go if there is no company? I even loved the way they presented this huge twist in the series. Michael rallying up the meeting was so funny, even though I had in the back of my mind the question of where the company went from that point. Even the "B" story was effective in showing us that Jim can be the manager, and taking down his biggest rival was where he started. Jim had always been mismanaged by Ryan, and now to see Jim getting his shots in was a real treat. I know I hate late seasons, but this was a diamond in the rough. + 4 Stars

The jokes were only average. Michael at the meeting was obviously the comedic highlight, with the "spin" taking the cake as best moment. Michael dealing with the executives was also very funny. The jokes in the "B" story just didn't work for me, and this episode forced me to start hating Phyllis's character. Andy didn't bring his A game, but Dwight saved it with some quality one-liners and his "question" at the meeting. In all, very average, with some memorable moments. + 3 Stars

No mistakes found.

Best Quote
"Where's the off button on this moron!"  -Alan Brand, CEO of Dunder Mifflin to Michael

Overall Score
9 Stars


I was shocked that Shareholder Meeting scored as high as it did. When I looked at it, it was really just as significant as many other moments earlier in the series. I have to admit, what is more significant than confirmation from the CEO that Dunder Mifflin is going out of business? I have to put that up there with Ryan going to jail, Toby leaving the show, Michael falling in love with Holly, and so on. I may be wrong, but Shareholder Meeting may be the last of the "very good" episodes. I am interested to see how it stacks up against other competition.

SHAREHOLDER MEETING is the better episode and will move on in the tournament by the shocking final score of 9-7

Monday, January 31, 2011

Drug Testing vs. Koi Pond

Here we have yet another matchup between a late episode of season 2, and an early episode of season 6. It is so ironic that these two episodes are against each other because episodes 2.21 and 6.6 JUST went up against each other! The episode from season 2 won easily, and I am starting to see a pattern as I watch episodes from conflicting seasons. It seems that the earlier the episode, the more involved I feel. I am starting to feel like I am the camera man in these episodes. In the later seasons, I feel like I am watching a television show. Although this may be good for my sanity, it hasn't been as good for the episodes in the tournament. Let's see how this one plays out.

2.20 "Drug Testing"

Cold Open
Dwight is dressed like a cop to investigate a joint found on company property over the weekend. During an interview with Kevin, Dwight compares Kevin's personality to that of a dope user. The Open was pretty funny. I like how it incorporated the premise of the episode and wasn't just childish nonsense. I had a hard time deciding on 1 star or 2 stars, but I think Dwight admitting that being a volunteer deputy has made him zero friends put it over the top.  + 2 Stars

This episode was pretty straight-forward. We open with Dwight launching an investigation because he found a joint in the parking lot. This leads to a bunch of nonsense that ends with him calling in drug testers. We do have an interesting "B" story where Jim in jinxed by Pam and cannot speak until he buys her a coke.

Dwight found a joint in the parking lot and now will stop at nothing to find who has left it there. Dwight put on his deputy uniform and conducted interviews with everyone in the office. Though several employees seemed suspicious, Dwight was unable to come to any conclusions. He then decided to call in special drug testers to sample everyone's urine, which scared Michael. Michael revealed to Dwight that he may have accidentally used drugs at a concert he had attended a few days back, that the joint wasn't his, and that he needed Dwight's urine. Although a very proud man, Dwight finally agreed to give Michael his urine. Distraught at his illegal behavior, Dwight turned in his deputy uniform. Michael, happy to have avoided suspicion, made him an hororary corporal in the security of the building. Ultimately, though we suspected Ryan, Dwight's investigation yielded no conclusive evidence of who had left the joint in the parking lot.

Meanwhile, Pam "jinxed" Jim, which meant he was not allowed to speak until he bought Pam a coke. Jim went to the coke machine, and Pam was delighted when she found out that the machine was out of coke. For the rest of the day Pam tried to lure Jim into situations that would require him to speak. Jim played it through the entire day without speaking, even during an intense moment where it appeared that Pam finally realized that she was really in love with Jim instead of Roy. In the end, Jim bought Pam her coke, and all was well.

I know this is a set up episode, but something is lacking. There wasn't as much story progression as I like to see, and this episode did little to set up "Conflict Resolution". I hate to say it, but taking this episode out wouldn't hurt the season. That is never a good thing. In all, it wasn't the best story. + 2 Stars

Dwight had some really funny moments in this episode. Dwight's interviews with Creed and Oscar were particularly funny. Besides that, Dwight and Michael delivered on their usual one-liners and that was about it. I don't know why this review is so short, there really is just not much more to say. + 3 Stars

Dwight claims that his grandfather's last name was "Shrude", although it is stated in later episodes that Dwight's ancestry came from a last name pronounced similarly to "Beiheim". I'll check on this in future episodes.

Best Quote
"Do you think that smoking drugs is cool? Do you think that doing alcohol is cool?"   Michael

Overall Score
7 Stars

6.7 "Koi Pond"

Cold Open
We opened with Jim and Michael having a discussion in Jim's office. Apparently, Jim was all set to leave for a meeting somewhere when Erin explained that whoever they are meeting with would also like Michael to come along. Jim called and explained that he is a manager now, but the voice on the other side insisted Michael join him. This obviously pleased Michael and irritated Jim. The Open wasn't very funny, but did set us up for the episode we were about to see. It wasn't the lamest Open ever, but it wasn't anything good. + 1 Star

"Koi Pond" follows an "A" and a "B" story. The A centers around Michael trying to avoid teasing after he fell into a koi pond during a sale. The B followed Andy and Pam on cold calls around Scranton. We learned that Andy and Erin is a love possibility, and that's about it.

The beginning of the episode showed Michael and Jim returning from a sales call with Michael soaking wet from head to toe. Originally, Michael tried to say that he was caught in a rain storm, but it was eventually figured out that he had fallen into a koi pond. Michael, upset that he was being made fun of, decided to host a Sensitivity Training seminar in order to put his koi pond incident off limits from all teasing. All that was accomplished during the seminar was embarrassing moments for staff members that were later used to mock them. Because Michael had only made matters worse with his seminar, he looked to Jim for advice. Jim claimed that sometimes when people make fun of themselves, people tend to forget the whole thing. Michael was initially successful, but took it too far after several humiliating stories. With things at their worst, the footage of Michael falling fell into the hands of the staff. Jim tried to prevent the staff from watching the film, but Michael told them it was ok. It was discovered in the video that Jim could have easily prevented Michael from falling, but did not because he was still upset over Michael having to come with him. This immediately started a barrage of jokes against Jim, which was a welcomed change for Michael. In the end, Michael and Jim made up and were back to the way they were at the beginning of the episode.

The "B" story followed Pam and Andy on cold calls. It was revealed that Pam and Andy had the lowest sales numbers, thus having to go on the cold calls. Pam and Andy had very little success, and Andy was offended when Pam insisted to potential clients that she was not in a relationship with Andy. Andy, in order to get back at Pam, went over the top in describing the kind of women he dates to a potential client. This, of course, made the client very uncomfortable. After realizing that they were having no luck, they decided to pretend that they were, in fact, a couple. This yielded similar results, although slightly more positive. Andy creeped out Pam with his vast knowledge of birthing coaches, which led to Andy admitting that he was incredibly lonely. Andy admitted that he was interested in Erin, and it was confirmed that the feelings were mutual when Pam talked to Erin at the end of the episode.

It is hard to evaluate this episode. Most of the "A" story was complete nonsense, but I liked it. Most of the "B" story was simply there to lead up to Andy liking Erin, which I felt was poorly drawn out. I cannot argue with the fact that the writers were trying hard to create more plotlines to explore, so I give points for bringing the Andy/Erin fiasco to life. As far as all other story progression, nothing was made. + 3 Stars

I was pleasantly surprised with the comedy in this episode! Michael fell into a koi pond and then was the butt of all jokes after he returned soaking wet. The highlight of the episode was when Michael, due to Jim's advice, told the entire office that the volleyball team used to throw him in a frozen lake at his high school. Andy and Pam had some pretty funny moments, though it is so clear that Andy and Pam don't mesh well comedically. Both characters are COMPLETE opposites and their humor didn't really mix that well at times. In all, it was a pretty funny episode. + 3 Stars

No mistakes found.

Best Quote
"In high school, the girl's volleyball team always used to throw me in the frozen lake...four years in a row."  Michael

Overall Score
7 Stars

This has been the most difficult decision yet. In one episode, we have not a lot of action, but a lot of comedy. In another, we have a balanced mix of the two. Usually I would always give a tie to the earlier episode, but I really felt that Drug Testing was completely unnecessary in the season. Koi Pond, on the other hand, ended strongly by introducing Andy and Erin's love connection. I don't see either episode going another round, so this matchup is almost pointless. I hate to do this, but...

KOI POND is the better episode and will move on in the tournament by a tie breaker score of 7-7

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Conflict Resolution vs. The Lover

This matchup includes episodes from the 2nd and 6th seasons. Two complete different seasons...should be fun to break down.

2.21 "Conflict Resolution"

Cold Open
Pam was organizing her wedding with Roy and Jim gave a confessional that proved he was less than happy with her making her wedding plans so public. Pam carried on with Phyllis in the break room, where it was discovered that Angela had not yet received her invitation. Being that Pam hated Angela at this point, Pam admitted that Angela was not invited to the wedding. This Open wasn't funny, but it does give foreshadowing for the episode, because it is Jim that complained about Pam. + 1 Star

Conflict Resolution started with the staff having to take pictures for new security badges. Michael was in his office when he heard Oscar screaming. Upon investigation, he discovered that Oscar was complaining to Toby about a poster Angela was displaying at her desk. Toby instructed Michael that, typically, the disgruntled employee will just vent their anger, and the issue will eventually blow over. Obviously unhappy with this option, Michael decided to mediate their issue. Angela and Oscar exchanged unhappy words, but Michael eventually mediated the conflict successfully. Seeing how rewarding this was, Michael then physically obtained the rest of the complaints that Toby had recorded. Michael decided to read the complaints out loud, which caused even more conflict for the staff. Pam, who had reluctantly invited Angela to her wedding after she complained of not receiving an invitation in the cold open, was shocked to discover that someone (most likely Angela) complained that Pam used work time to plan her wedding. During the attempted mediating Michael was conducting, Dwight discovered that Toby had not sent his many complaints about Jim to corporate like he said he would. This drove Dwight to give Michael an ultimatum: either fire Jim, or Dwight would quit. Dwight, most likely to mock Jim, informed him that there was a sales opening in Stamford. Jim, being distraught over Pam's wedding and realizing how much of his life and time was being wasted in Scranton, actually considered the idea of a transfer. By the end of the episode, Pam was so mad at Angela that she was about to rescind her invitation. Jim, knowing the truth, intervened right as Pam was about to talk to Angela, and admitted to the complaint. Pam was visibly upset with Jim, and the closing scene showed us Jim at the corporate office applying for the position in Stamford.

This episode was very interesting. I didn't like the idea of security badges being the bridge to the conflict resolution plotline mainly because the badges were never worn in future episodes! The series progression was pretty pivotal, as "Conflict Resolution" sits right at the end of season two, which was when the PB&J love drama was at its highest. Finding out that Jim was considering a transfer, especially with a finale to follow, was also huge news. In all, the episode was very sub-par until the news of the possible transfer. Jim is really starting to get fed up with Pam and Roy's relationship, which would make this finale VERY anticipated! Just like "Beach Games", "Conflict Resolution" is a set-up episode that left us with some big cliffhangers. Will Pam marry Roy? Will Jim move to Stamford? These answers could, and will, change the entire series. I didn't like where it started, but loved where it finished. + 4 Stars

This episode wasn't the funniest, as its main purpose was to build anticipation for the finale. The problem was that there was a lot of time at the beginning of the episode where there was room for some nice comedy. We did get more Creed than we usually do, which is awesome. Creed's "mug shot", his distaste for the "racist bathroom", and his distinct old man smell was all very entertaining. Michael had his usual moments of comical nonsense, but nothing that really stood out. There was a "that's what she said" moment that was pretty funny, but nothing to record in the history books. In all, it was very average. I suppose Dwight's mug shot bit was enough to save the comedy score. + 3 Stars

The first 7-10 minutes of the episode was focused on the ID badges. This is disappointing because the badges are NEVER worn again!

Oscar agreed to make the poster into a shirt, and then wear the shirt...he never did either.

Best Quote
"What do you know about conflict resolution? Your answer to everything is 'get divorced'"  -Michael to Toby

Angela: You already did me.
Michael: That's what she said.

Overall Score
8 Stars

6.6 "The Lover"

Cold Open
Jim and Pam return from their honeymoon and find that the office is exactly as they left it. Michael showed off his new character for improv class, which was incredibly dull, and Meredith complained that nothing was brought back for them as a present. This was out of her character, and not funny. Not funny at all.

There were two main plotlines in this episode. The first was Jim and Pam dealing with the realization that Michael was now dating Pam's mother. The second was Dwight attempting to spy on Jim, which only persuaded Jim to prank Dwight. The first plotline was neither strong nor weak. The plotline is necessary, since we had to assume that Pam would eventually find out that Michael was dating her mother.

Expecting that there is nothing new to report, Jim was shocked when he found out that Michael was sleeping with Pam's mom. Jim pleaded with Michael to not tell Pam and to immediately break off the relationship. After a short conversation, Michael agreed to break it off. Unfortunately for her, Pam overheard a conversation between Michael and Erin regarding reservations for two at a nice restaurant. Pam asked Michael who the date was with, and was then horrified. Pam became insubordinate towards Michael and threw a tantrum in a meeting, which outed Michael's relationship with Pam's mother to the entire office. Although most of the staff sided with Pam, the general feeling was that Pam had overreacted. Believing that he had been a victim of a hostile work environment, Michael confided in Toby, which eventually led to them embracing. The term "conflict resolution" was ironically mentioned! Toby then attempted to mediate the situation, which ended in failure. Michael, fed up with Pam's insubordination, claimed that he was going to keep dating Pam's mom despite her. The plotline concludes with Pam calming down, and Michael on his way over to see Pam's mother for their date.

At the beginning of the episode, Dwight congratulated Jim on his promotion by giving him a wooden mallard to keep on his desk. Jim immediately discovered that the mallard was actually a recording device that Dwight had planted to spy on him. Jim took the opportunity, despite Pam's dilemma, to prank Dwight. Jim made Dwight anxious after he played very loud opera music, rendering his listening device useless, during a private conversation with Andy. Eventually, Jim confronted Dwight and had him wash his car as a punishment. Dwight accepted the punishment, then revealed that the real listening device was in Jim's pen, which Dwight had cleverly planted earlier in the episode. Dwight then sat at Jim's desk to listen to all of Jim's conversations, leading us to believe that Dwight was about to spend 8 additional hours in the office.

This episode, though sort of weak, was not that bad. I liked the story progression, and the "B" story had glimpses of past greatness. Dwight and Jim going at each other is classic, though the material was a little shallow. I liked the way Jim started acting more and more like Michael as he assumed more responsibilities. As crazy as it sounds, I would say Michael's bit with Toby was the most unrealistic part of the whole episode. In all, I wouldn't say that I loved it, but I didn't hate it. + 3 Stars

The comedy in this episode was not that bad. Jim, now a manager, has taken on some of Michael's qualities. Jim often changed his voice during an awkward situation, obviously a trait he picked up from Michael. Jim even yelled at Toby during a crisis situation. Pam had a pretty funny reaction to the news that Michael was now dating her mother, and the entire scene in the conference room was pretty funny. The final scene with Dwight listening to 8 hours of paper sales was also pretty funny. Creed was able to bring a smile to my face without even having a line, as he cried during the opera music. In all, it was forgettable, but not bad. + 2 Stars

No mistakes found.

Best Quote
"Don't call my mother your lover!"  -Pam to Michael

Overall Score
5 Stars


I had a feeling going into this one that this wouldn't even be close. I was surprised, however, that "The Lover" kept the competition as close as it did. The unfortunate thing for the later episodes is that there is a lot of points to be won, and lost, in the "story" category. I feel that "necessary" episodes are way more worthy of high point scores than episodes that don't really drive the series. The later episodes, thus, are at a disadvantage because there are so few avenues left to explore. The Lover put up a good fight, but...

CONFLICT RESOLUTION is the better episode and will move on in the tournament by the score of 8-5